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Kleentek Ferrocare Electrostatic Liquid Cleaners

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The <br>most efficient, quick, easy and inexpensive method to clean and maintain oil to <br>a level of purity necessary to maintain hydraulic and lubrication systems in <br>good order and eliminate the need to change oil is Electrostatic Liquid <br>Cleaning  - ELC.

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The <br>ELC system has been invented by the KLEENTEK INDUSTRIAL CO. LTD. of Japan. <br>Kleentek have been awarded the prestigious ”Yellow Ribbon” by the Prime <br>Minister of Japan, in 1989, for this invention.

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Contaminants in <br>oil are either positively or negatively charged due to contact potential <br>difference with oil. When oil is passed through an electric field, positively <br>charged particles are drawn to the negative pole and vice versa.

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